EPM Groovy

  • EPM GROOVY – A Guide to Member UDA Updates using Business Rules

    The Groovy API provides a privileged function to update metadata properties using business rules. Since it’s a privileged function, only administrators are allowed to execute the same. Of late, I have been using the function to rename the members, change the parents, etc. This helps in many ways, as UDAs get a little better since…

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  • EPM GROOVY – Top Down Planning in ASO Cubes

    Although input at higher level intersections in ASO is not possible, the combination of groovy and EPM APIs helps us to achieve the same. Let us make use of instant aggregation in ASO along with groovy grids. Here is the link to the article I published on LinkedIn.- Click Here for full post.

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  • EPM GROOVY – Create Custom Grid Spread Functionality in Web Forms

    For the existing grid spread functionality to work, a webform needs to meet certain conditions, such as the entire hierarchy of YearTotal (IDescendants) must be available on the form; otherwise, the natural spread doesn’t work. The ability to input at the YearTotal and hide the Q1..Q4, H1..H2 members from the form are general requests. The article was…

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